
Cooking for the Masses

My full time job is as a cook/chef at a local fine dining establishment. Not a bad job, seeing that i get to create all night long and people enjoy what i create through their dulled taste buds. At least that is what i perceive.. Besides the few regulars that i have grown to love and cherish, not many people appreciate the creation that goes on in a dining establishment. People get a masterpiece of flavor and bicker about the child who is sitting squealing because they are enjoying their food and/or life more than these people can even understand. So they pursue a free meal or a discount cause of the lack of respect for their dining experience... Sorry folks, you're in Public!!!! there will be other people invading your "Privacy" heh.

So in essence, I love to create and i know that nobody is ever completely satisfied, so i have decided to just go with my gut feeling---> If you cant appreciate what has been toiled over for your enjoyment and fulfillment then you can just go and f-off. But those few souls who actually take the time to stop and smell the canvas, or platter, or whatever has been created, should be recognized and honored... so tonight, after re-evaluating my view on other's opinions, i hereby announce my forfeiture of interest in 90% of all opinions. but the 10% that do matter need a solemn bow and a smile their way. For they are truly the eyes of the soul, forced to live 10,000 lives and still come out with an appreciation for the mundane.

I did a random piece of artwork today, as i was thinking about the "soul" and i came up with a bit of my dogma mixed in with some reincarnation idea. No clear thought passed my way when i was creating this, except i was listening to "Tool - AEnima". In particular, 46 and 2.. a great song about evolution and human progression. its not the quality that i am satisfied with, but it does show a bit about my Buddhist nature and living many lives with final appreciation for all of it.

enjoy, comment, critique, bash dash and hack and slash, I would love to get some more comments!

Oh, Osprey!!! thank you so much for the comment about "lost in meditation" the blue face painting. It means a lot to me... Osprey's Blog talks about Second Life. Apparently she had found my blog through Cylindrian Rutabaga's Blog. or i might be mistaken.. Either way it brings up an interesting point. Second life is a community of maniacs who assemble in a virtual 3d environment. A great place to expand your horizons, a marketing tool for creative minded people. It is completely engineered by the habitants of the world. I suggest you check it out if you haven't heard of it. Second life is where i realized my potential as an artist. I set up my first "virtual gallery" about a year ago in this virtual world. It gave me some worldwide recognition! I attribute my motivation for securing my artistic career to Second Life(SL).

In conclusion: Opinions are like A**holes, everyone has one, but they usually stink; Stick to your roots, they keep you grounded; Pink Floyd Rocks; and when you find a gem, (osprey), let it shine its brilliance on your ego... it makes you feel really good. :D


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